The information below is disclosed in accordance with Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies and was last updated on 15 October 2024.

Business Description Please click on the link below for a description of the business.
Investor Overview
Board of Directors Please click here for names and brief biographical details of each of the directors.
Annual and Interim Reports Please click on this link to access the Company's Annual and Interim Reports.
Corporate Governance The Directors have decided to apply the 2018 Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code (“the QCA Code”). Please click here for more detail on how the Company complies with the QCA Code, together with reasons for any departure from it.
Country of Incorporation and Main Country of Operation The Company is incorporated in England and Wales, with registered number 06227084.
Its main country of operation is the UK. It also has operations in the USA and Malaysia.
UK Takeover Code The Company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.
Current constitutional documents Please click on this link for access to our Key Corporate Documents, including the Company's Articles of Association.
Details of any other exchanges or trading platforms The Company’s shares are only traded on AIM and not on any other stock exchange.
The number of AIM securities in issue The Company does not hold any Ordinary Shares in treasury and therefore the number of Ordinary Shares with voting rights is 311,855,650.
Number of AIM securities not in public hands The percentage of AIM securities not in public hands is 12.66%
Significant shareholders The identity and percentage holdings of significant shareholders as notified to the Company:
Name of Shareholder Number of Ordinary Shares Percentage of Issued Share Capital
Vulpes Investment Management Pte Ltd 29,653,978 9.51%
Arbuthnot Latham (Nominees) Ltd* 18,462,235 9.13%
Unicorn Asset Management 25,131,526 8.06%
Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Ltd
15,568,816 4.99%
Seneca Partners Ltd* 9,978,822 4.93%
Investec Wealth & Investment Ltd* 7,319,886 4.99%
Dr Yavuz Ahiska 10,577,600 3.39%

* Note – holdings and percentages above are stated as last notified to the Company. The Company issued 18,234,454 shares on 5 April 2024 and will issue a further 91,317,781 shares on 8 April 2024. % shareholdings as previously notified to the Company are therefore expected to be subject to change as a result.

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Significant shareholder information last updated on 15 October 2024.

Details of any restrictions on the transfer of AIM securities There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company’s Ordinary Shares.
Regulatory notifications Please click on the link to access notifications made by the Company in the past five years.
Regulatory news
AIM admission document and circulars Please click on the link below to access the Company's most recent admission document and circulars or similar publications sent to shareholders within the past 12 months, as well as any prospectus issued since 3 January 2018.
Key Corporate Documents
Directors' responsibilities Please click here for details of the of the responsibilities of the members of the board of directors and the subcommittees of the Board.
Advisors Please click on the link below for details of the Company's Nominated Adviser and other key advisers.
Investor Contacts